Tag Archives: upside down peach pie

Recipe Success! Upside Down Peach Pie

24 Jul

This weekend while visiting my dad the princess hooligan picked a bunch of peaches.  These peaches are AUH-MAY-ZING!  They have a very tender skin, a mild flavor, and are a nice small size for snacking right off the tree.    Well, we had a long car ride home and by the time we got to the house the kids had pretty much played pinata with the bag of peaches.  They started to bruise.

Aren't they cute?

Aren’t they cute?

What was I to do with all these fresh peaches?  A friend suggested cobbler but I couldn’t seem to make it.  It just wasn’t speaking to me.  What was calling me was the piece of peach pie from the Latif’s.

I had just had a piece a few days before while at the fair.  Latif’s is a small family restaurant  located in Turlock, CA- my home town.  They make the BEST pies.  It is a family tradition (if not a town tradition) to have a slice of Latif’s pie at the county fair… ala mode of course with Foster Farms vanilla ice cream.  Oh and you are supposed to have a linguica while at the fair too, but I digress.

So back to this need to make peach pie.  I bought a pre-made pie crust.  Now before you get all “What, how could you do that to those fresh peaches?”  Remember, the name of the blog site- Home Ec Reject- there was no way I was going to risk ruining those peaches with some kind of messed up crust that I made from scratch.

After doing my best internet sleuthing, I figured out a pie filling.  After peeling the peaches, they kind of smushed in my hands as I did it. I added the smushed up peaches to a pot then added a cup of sugar, a cup of water, a dash of salt, and a sprinkling of cinnamon.  I brought it to a boil.  At that point I realized that the smushed pieces were too big.  I pulled out my trusty potato masher and squished away.  I also realized that I might have added too much water.  If make it again, I will reduce the water.

Look! Peach soup.

Look! Peach soup.

Now this is the part where it starts to get weird.  I have a pie pan but I chose not to use it.  Again, I was afraid I was going to mess it up.  The idea of cooking both the top and the bottom pieces of the pie evenly is something I suck at.  The soupy filling was way too liquidy to hold to just a bottom shell, so I settled on just a top.  I poured the peach filling soup stuff into an old (like I bought it in the mid to late nineties) Pryrex bowl.  Put the pie crust on top, sugared it and called it good.

What, the crust is on top!

What, the crust is on top!

After baking it at 425 for about 20 minutes I had an finished product.

The final product

The final product

I figured I would be the only one eating this dessert which meant this would last me all week.  The hubs not only tried it, but liked it so much he ate 1/3rd of it that night.  The hubs actually had really good things to say about it too.  He is not a big peach fan but said it had a nice mild flavor.  I attribute that to the type of peaches.   After the hooligans each had a piece, and I had a piece there was only one piece left over.  I took it to work with my lunch.  I have to say, it was just as good, day old and cold, as it was right out of the oven.

Upside down pie ala mode.

Upside down pie ala mode.

Home Ec Reject

The trials and tribulations of a self-professed Home Ec Reject

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